Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Good News for People with Brain Injuries

The article title “No more waiting for people with brain injuries” states that there would not be a waiting list for those people who need rehabilitation assistance. The main cause of this change is because the Texas legislature approved an additional $3 million per year for the program, increasing its 2008 budget to $16 million. As a result, the waiting list has disappeared. Now, the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services is trying to spread the word that there is space available for those that need help. They would not have to wait a month or a year to get the help they desire, which is also critical for them to obtain because delay only jeopardize a patient’s recovery. The article states that it is necessary to get therapy as soon as possible while the brain is still repairing it self, which usually takes a year or six months after the injury occurred. It is estimated that in Texas more than 145,000 people suffer from traumatic brain injuries each year, mostly from motor vehicles accidents. This program most definitely would benefit all those people and also Preston Owners who suffered a car accident and whom is rehabilitating in Core Health Care. He would eventually get the chance to live independently without having to live in an institution for the rest of his life, like most people do when they don’t get rehabilitation promptly. Apparently this program is designed for all Texas residents and those being cared for family members who live in Texas. Therefore, all people should help spread the word around because who knows maybe there is a person getting out of the hospital at this very instance that need special help to continue with his or her recovery, but don't know where to look for such service. This would be a good news for such individuals that need rapid help.

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